Frequently asked questions
Does Suntory have a retail location I can visit?
We do not have our own retail centers. We ship directly to importers and wholesalers.
Does Suntory sell to the public?
We are a breeding company and only sell to importers and wholesalers. If you like our flowers and are not a retailer please ask for the Florigene Mooncarnations at your local flower shop or flower designers.
Can I buy cuttings, young plants or potted plants of the Florigene Mooncarnations?
No. We sell cut flowers only. Plants and cuttings are not available anywhere.
Where do Mooncarnation flowers come from?
They are grown in Colombia and Ecuador and are available in the US, EU, and other countries. Our growers in Colombia and Ecuador produce and ship flowers every day. They must meet our high standards for quality and consistency and are regarded as the finest in the industry. You can be sure that you are getting the best flowers in the world with every order! For more information see our page about Production.
Can we use the materials on your website for our own website and marketing material?
Florists, importers and wholesalers are welcome to use the images and brochures on our website. Please feel free to print them or distribute them electronically to support your marketing activities.
Who can I contact for more information?
If you have questions that are not covered here please contact our corporate headquarters at info@florigene.com